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IntForm's range of services are designed to provide your organisation and your analysts the training, support, and information streams required to achieve your organisation's mission.

Training, Advice & Mentoring

IntForm's analysts, and managers, use their experience and best practice to ensure that your organisation's analysts have the skillset required to meet your organisation's requirements. From intelligence cell management and the application of the intelligence cycle, to challenging assumptions and biases, and the application of structured analytical techniques. Use the contact form below to find out how IntForm can help your organisation.


IntForm's reachback service enables your organisation to have the expertise of our analysts at the click of a button, whilst not having the logistical burden of in-country analysts. Together we can ensure that the right information, is received, interpreted, and applied to inform your operations and policy decisions, when it is most needed. Use the contact form below to find out how IntForm can help your organisation. 

Embedded Analysts

IntForm's team of analysts have decades of combined analytical experience in military, law enforcement, and private companies. If your organisation needs information, and analysis on demand, IntForm analysts can be by your side, in-country, to facilitate informed operations. From short-term contracts, during peak seasons, to permanent positions. Use the contact form below to find out how IntForm can help your organisation. 

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